Indian Consumer Behavior on Wine

As the pandemic is coming close to the end and the markets are slowly building themselves back up. There has been a rise in demand for wine like never before and the curve has been positive since the time of Pre COVID. The alco – Bev industry especially the wine industry are trying new waysContinue reading “Indian Consumer Behavior on Wine”

What ails faster growth of wine industry in India?

The Government of India has been a common enemy for the alco-Bev industry from the very beginning. Restrictions and high taxation have always been problematic for the ease of doing business. As Gaurav Sekhri rightly pointed out that in 2016 the supreme court had ordered a ban on the sale of liquor within 500m ofContinue reading “What ails faster growth of wine industry in India?”


The Indian wine market surely has improved over the past five years. Recently I came across an intellectual debate between 4 of the biggest names in the wine industry. Conducted by Mrs Sonal Holland, MW (Master of wine), the debate focused on the route India should take to become a wine market worth 5000 CR.Continue reading “HOW FAR HAS THE INDIAN WINE INDUSTRY PROGRESSED IN THE PAST 5 YEARS?”


‘POP’ from a champagne cork signifies a special occasion;a date, an anniversary, a birthday or a promotion. Though It is exciting to traipse through the sparkling wine aisle, it can turn stressful pretty fast when you see the French names, opulent branding, and hefty price tags. You ask yourself, “How much should I be paying?Continue reading “CELEBRATION WITH WINE”


For many, the sparkling wine aisle can be confusing. To help you navigate the wine aisle and choose the perfect wine for your taste buds, I have outlined the six most popular types of sparkling wine including where they are from and the types of grapes they are made with. Champagne Arguably, the most popularContinue reading “WHAT SPARKS UP THE PARTY!”

Impact of COVID-19 to the wine Industry : India and China

Wine industry is not an exception to the turmoil brought about by COVID-19 in the market. It’s almost been a year since the outbreak of the virus and the wine industry and restaurants sales have fallen proportionately during this pandemic. In this report I would be discussing and comparing India and China on their initiativeContinue reading “Impact of COVID-19 to the wine Industry : India and China”


You enter a wine store and you are greeted by this long array of wine bottles from all around the world. Some are from the countries you never knew made wine. Some have pretty labels and some have pretty generic ones. You have had a long day you are not keen to look for anotherContinue reading “HOW TO READ WINE FROM A GLANCE”


Wine is pretty diverse and interesting on its own, but most of its cocktail are entailed to only spritzers as a summer drink. Wine in cocktails is sacrilegious to some Sommeliers and “wine enthusiast” but having a different approach to tasting wine can also be enjoyed. Wine cocktails have their own potential to create newContinue reading “WINE COCKTAILS TO APPEASE.”


If I had a penny for anyone who has turned down my offer to try Indian food with wine I would be rich. When it comes to wine pairing with Indian food, its best to keep it light and fresh. Its intricate spice, rich and creamy sauces, and by the way it is generally servedContinue reading “WINE PAIRING WITH INDIAN FOOD”

A night at the Michelin.

When you hear someone say “I work in the hotel industry or in a restaurant”, you quickly imagine Gordon Ramsay screaming, Jamie Oliver cooking with passion or Sanjeev Kapoor cooking explaining the ‘swaad'(taste). Its more to it. We all choose this profession to be great like them initially. When things don’t work out we stoppedContinue reading “A night at the Michelin.”

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